How to Get the Most Out of Your Grinder

So you’ve bought the perfect grinder from our online smoke shop, and now it’s time to put it to good use. But how exactly do you do that?

Some tips are obvious, like keeping your grinder clean. But weed enthusiasts are inventive, so other tips are a little more out there: like grinding your weed upside down!

Use the following tricks from our Northglenn smoke shop tean to get the most out of your grinder, and hence, the most out of your bud!

Keep Your Grinder Clean

Potentially the most important part of maintaining any appliance is keeping it clean. We all know how bad a glass pipe or bong can get when you don’t clean it, so why would your cannabis grinder be any different? Truly, it’s a waste to buy things from online head shops if you’re not going to take care of them.

To keep a weed grinder clean, the two things you will need are a soft cloth and a soft brush. Avoid brushes with metal bristles, rough cloths, and scrubbing pads at all costs. They can scratch and damage your grinder, defeating the purpose.

Clean every dang nook and cranny, inside and out, in between uses. Putting in this due diligence will keep all your strains separate on top of keeping your grinder in perfect condition.

Pro tip: if there are pieces of weed stuck inside the teeth, put the grinder in the freezer for about an hour. Then you can loosen the bits of dried weed with a soft brush to get them fully unstuck. This works because weed contracts when it’s cold.

Something else to keep in mind is to never soak your grinder. Instead, soak the cloth you’re using in alcohol and then use that to do your cleaning. You can also opt for Q-tips to get those stubborn pieces of residue.

Lastly, rinse your grinder with warm water and let it dry completely before using it again or storing it!

Don’t Force It

If you’re forcing your grinder, something is wrong. Your twists should be buttery smooth as long as you take care of your grinder and the teeth are sharp.

If you need to force your grinder:

  • It may be put together incorrectly.
  • Something may be blocking the chamber.
  • You may have overfilled it.
  • It might be damaged.

No matter what, it’s cause for further investigation.

In perfect condition, it should take around 10 turns to get the perfect consistency of weed.

Grinders from our online smoke shop shouldn’t need to be forced. If you need to force it, look out for what we’ve mentioned so you can fix it.

Don’t Overfill Your Grinder

You might want to get as much use as possible out of your grinder, but you’re better off going through the process twice than trying to fit everything into one go. Especially when you’re high, be mindful of how much you’re filling your grinder. It’s easy to get overly eager!

Only grind a few nugs at a time. You want the herb to become as fine as possible for a few reasons:

  1. To avoid clogging your grinder.
  2. To heat up as evenly as possible.
  3. To create the most surface area for burning.

You know your weed is ready to go when you don’t feel any more resistance while grinding. As previously mentioned, it should take about 10 turns. You can always add more to the current batch if there’s room, or start a fresh one.

Don’t forget to clean after use!

Turn Your Grinder Upside Down

The most seasoned veterans have a special trick up their sleeve, and it’s about to be shared with you: grind your weed upside down. Just trust us on this one! Staff and customers alike from our online head shop have all testified for this trick.

When your grinder is upside down, the bud doesn’t fall to the bottom of the chamber right away and you can grind it for longer to get it extra-fine. And as we know, the finer the better!

Take off the kief chamber, flip your grinder upside down, and put the chamber back on after you’re done grinding. Turn it right-side up again and you’re ready to go!

Don’t Forget the Kief

Three-chamber weed grinders have screens to help you collect your kief. That’s why our online smoke shop offers so many!

Kief has about 30% to 60% THC and will help you get every last ounce out of your weed. Some people like to smoke kief on its own, while others turn it into hash.

Others yet add it to the flower they’re smoking, while a stubborn few add it to their coffee or use it for recipes.

No matter what, you can get the most out of your weed by utilizing your kief.

Final Thoughts

Let’s go through a quick summary of what you just learned!

  1. Keep it clean. Keeping your grinder clean can reduce your risk of accidentally mixing strains and maintain working order.
  2. Don’t force it. If you’re forcing your grinder, something is wrong.
  3. Don’t overfill. Your grinder won’t work optimally if there’s too much weed in it.
  4. Turn it upside down. This is a tried-and-true trick to get a finer grind.
  5. Don’t forget the kief. Kief is a prized result of three-chamber grinders and it would be a shame not to utilize it.

Got it? Good! With these tips, you’ll get the most out of the grinders from our online head shop and have the best smoking experience possible.

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