You can’t spend much time at a headshop or reading information about cannabis without encountering the word “terpenes”. Sometimes the person using the word will take the time to explain it, but in a lot of cases, they just assume the listener or reader is in the know. The thing is, lots of stoners are not. And that’s fine. After all, you’re not required to pass some sort of litmus test to enjoy weed. For those who are curious, however, the team here at 710 Pipes in Denver has brought together the following brief guide that should help shine a light on the subject of terpenes.
Can Vaping Dry Herb Improve Sleep Quality?
We’ve all been through a lot in the past couple of years from lockdowns, political unrest, and a steep economic downturn followed by record inflation. So, if some people are having trouble getting to sleep it’s understandable. And, of course, there are other reasons that contribute to sleeplessness including illness and career-related stress. There are lots of sedatives on the market that will induce unconsciousness and plenty of doctors are ready to prescribe them. But is there a better way? In this post, the team at the 710 Pipes online head shop examines whether dry herb vaping is the sleep aid you’ve been looking for.
How Does Cannabis Affect Appetite?
Can our Northglenn smoke shop truly help impact your appetite? And what are the medical advantages, as well as disadvantages, to this superpower?
There are a lot of mumbo jumbo claims made about marijuana that aren’t backed by any science. But THC’s and CBD’s impacts on hunger are actually based in reality.
A Short History of the Herb Vaporizer
Vaping is associated with the 21st century to almost the same degree as digital technology. It’s a thoroughly modern phenomenon made possible by various subtle technological advances and anyone who tells you otherwise is just blowing vape clouds up your you-know-what. Or are they?
Most anyone you ask in your local vape shop will be happy to tell you that the whole vape thing is a response to the rise of contemporary cannabis culture. But the truth is vaping has been with us for thousands of years. That doesn’t mean that the ancients had contemporary-looking vaporizers, but rather that they understood and practiced the art of vaporizing using a variety of low-tech methods.
25 Fast Facts About Cannabis in the U.S. and Worldwide
Colorado and Washington made history in 2012 as the first two American states to legalize cannabis for adult recreational use. Less than a decade later, the cannabis industry is considered the fastest-growing field in the nation. The industry has flourished in recent years with an outcropping of exciting job prospects, higher education coursework and rapidly growing rates of support among bipartisan American voters. How has public perception and use of cannabis shifted in the past few years? Who’s lighting up their heady glass water pipe most often from coast to coast? Our smoke shop team’s here to break down any details that remain a little hazy. Learn the basic findings of the latest available cannabis industry research with the following twenty-five fast facts about cannabis in 2021.
Jobs for 2023 Graduates in the Booming Cannabis Industry
Updated on July 19th 2023
Congratulations to the high school and college graduating class of 2023! Finally tossing that graduation cap – live or through a COVID-era virtual ceremony – is one of life’s greatest milestones and among the best reasons to celebrate. Now’s the perfect time to treat yourself to a heady glass purchase and a fun night out (or night in).
According to research from the University of Washington, the average college graduate takes an estimated three to six months to find a job after getting their degree. As the dust begins to settle around your freshly-framed diploma, you may find yourself starting to wonder where to go from here. According to recent research, an increasing number of Americans are choosing careers in the cannabis industry.
Study Suggests Some Cannabis Strains May Help Combat COVID-19
The World Health Organization first announced Coronavirus, or COVID-19, as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on January 30th of this year. As of March 11th, coronavirus has been classified as an international pandemic. Over the past few months, the virus has devastated communities across the globe and claimed more than 330,000 lives to date – and its tragic toll is continually rising.
More Reasons Millennials Choose Cannabis Over Alcohol
Millennials are defined as the generation born between 1981 and 1996 – putting them between the ages of 23 and 39. In the classic debate of cannabis versus alcohol, increasing numbers of millennials are declaring cannabis their favorite vice. Last week, we reviewed a few primary reasons for millennials’ increasing preference for cannabis as compared to alcohol. We’ve uncovered a few more major reasons this generation’s leaning toward pipe shops over pitchers.
The Next Decade of CBD
The Nielsen Company is an American organization, specializing in data collection and measurement. With half a billion dollars in annual revenue, they lead the industry of market research firms in the United States. Nielsen works to amass data in a broad range of industries, and subsequently predict consumer trends we can expect to see in each. Recently, researchers at Nielsen released their predictions of what can be expected in the cannabis industry this decade. We’ve studied their predictions and put together their top predictions of changes in the decade to come.
Five Expert Cannabis Industry Predictions for 2020
Updated on July 19th 2023
Increased Earnings in the Fourth Quarter
David Mukpo, COO of cannabis-industry brand tökr, predicts a thinning of the herd of marijuana-related brands – and a boost in fourth-quarter earnings among the top contenders of cannabis. “Through the early part of the year, some of the largest cannabis companies struggling will lead to marquee companies closing the door,” explains Mukpo. “As the field narrows, this will be offset by Q4 being the most optimistic time in Cannabis over the previous 24 months as the market factors begin to stabilize.”
Update (July 2023): Industry leader Aurora Cannabis reported a net revenue of $72.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2020 – a net profit reduction of approximately five percent compared to their third quarter.
Elderly Americans Represent Fastest Growing Demographic of Cannabis Users
United States residents over the age of sixty-five are no exception to the cannabis craze. According to data from the National Survey of Drug Use and Health, only 0.3% of senior citizens reported using cannabis over the course of 2007. A recent study by the University of Colorado Boulder found that the number of senior citizens reporting the use of cannabis this year is 3.7%. In other words, ten times more senior citizens used marijuana in 2019 than those who did so in 2007.
Government Grants Fund $3 Million in CBD Research
Many cannabis lovers advocate the plant for its expansive range of reported health benefits. From psychological afflictions like PTSD, ADHD and depression, to physical symptoms like inflammation and chronic pain, users report improvement in a host of difficult maladies. However, many critics of cannabis bypass the pipe shop visits, citing lacking scientific support of largely anecdotal evidence from Mary Jane’s devoted fan-base. Ironically, laws prohibiting the use of the misunderstood substance were largely based in stigma and underdeveloped research – but these same laws prevented the very research that would help uproot them.
Crime and Cannabis: Comparing Studies to Lingering Stigmas
Throughout recent years surrounding cannabis legalization, a rather volatile (if quiet) debate has continued to echo down the halls of established mainstream media outlets. One question lies at the heart of the controversy – what social impact, if any, do cannabis dispensaries have on their surrounding communities? The United States and most other countries have had head shops, pipe shops and smoke shops for decades, many of which cater to the cannabis-friendly. For this reason, the concern seems almost strange. At last, the numbers are in to put this issue to rest – so put down that bong and take a look.
Do Marijuana Users Gain More Weight Than Non-Users?
Updated on July 19th 2023
There’s a pervasive stereotype affecting the general public’s perception of smoke shop lovers like myself – regardless of its legitimacy. Many seem to assume that those who frequently consume marijuana, and are thereby subject to frequent munchies, will ultimately weigh more than those who don’t. At long last, a study by the University of Michigan sought to investigate the accuracy of this allegation, and determine whether those who steer clear of cannabis are, by comparison, the lightweights.