Blog Tag: cannabis

Too Much THC? Here’s How to Feel Less High

In the vast majority of instances, a cannabis buzz is a wonderful thing. But there are times when even the most experienced cannabis connoisseur will overindulge and end up emotionally uncomfortable, maybe even paranoid. Although such experiences will ultimately pass, they are no fun when you go through them. In this guide, the 710 Pipes online head shop team provides seven useful tips to help you step back from the edge of an uncomfortable high.

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Eating Edibles vs. Smoking Cannabis: How They Compare

If you’ve ever indulged in edibles, you probably feel that the buzz you get from those pot brownies is noticeably different than the one you get from smoking weed. But maybe you’re a little apprehensive about sharing this to your buddies, thinking they’ll look at you like you’ve lost it. So what’s the deal? Is it your imagination, or is an edible high different than the high you get from your heady glass?
We’re here to tell you that the difference isn’t all in your head. There is a distinct difference between the buzz you get from edibles and the one you get from a bong hits or joint. Below, we’ll explore the primary distinctions.

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How to Dry and Cure Cannabis (and Why You Should)

It might seem like the hard work is done once you have harvested your cannabis crop, but the truth is you still have some work to do before your weed is bong-ready. By that we mean you still have to dry and cure your cannabis buds in order to ensure they produce an optimal experience. In this guide, the team at the 710 Pipes headshop in Denver take a close look at the process of curing your cannabis buds.

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The History of Cannabis in Ancient China

Some Baby Boomers seem to think they were the first to discover the joys of marijuana. The truth, however, is that human history with cannabis goes back thousands of years. The first culture to document the use of the cannabis plant was ancient China where it was originally used to make practical items. By the time of the Han dynasty, (202 BC – 220 AD), cannabis was being widely used for medicinal purposes and personal non-medical purposes as well. In this post, the team at our Northglenn head shop takes a deep dive into the ancient Chinese relationship with marijuana.

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Seven Perfect Songs to Enjoy While Stoned

It’s silly to assume that any song where someone mentions weed in the lyrics is a good song to listen to when you’re high. Nothing could be further from the truth. What makes a song capable of enhancing your high is its ability to sync with your altered state. That’s it. So with that as our guiding principle and without further ado the team at the 710 Pipes head shop in Denver presents seven songs to enhance your high. Enjoy.

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Taking a Weed Tolerance Break? Here’s How to Do It Right

Whether we’re talking about travel partying or eating your favorite food, too much of a good thing is never a good thing. The same can be said for smoking weed. Regular cannabis consumers know all too well that at a certain point, their tolerance for THC goes up which means they need ever greater quantities of herb to achieve the same buzz. Fortunately, there’s something you can do about it. In this brief guide, the team at our Denver headshop location looks into the weed tolerance break, what it is, and how to make the most of it.

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What Are Terpenes?

You can’t spend much time at a headshop or reading information about cannabis without encountering the word “terpenes”. Sometimes the person using the word will take the time to explain it, but in a lot of cases, they just assume the listener or reader is in the know. The thing is, lots of stoners are not. And that’s fine. After all, you’re not required to pass some sort of litmus test to enjoy weed. For those who are curious, however, the team here at 710 Pipes in Denver has brought together the following brief guide that should help shine a light on the subject of terpenes.

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Dealing With Red Eyes After Smoking

We’ve all had to deal with it. You pass around a joint or some heady glass and a short while later your eyes look like you’ve got the world’s worst case of hay fever. Bloodshot eyes have long been the bane of the stoner’s existence, forever outing them or threatening to do so to the boss, the parents, business associates, the police, and everyone else.

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Getting Unhigh: What Should You Do?

If you’ve ever watched “Ted 2” you’re familiar with the scene where Ted, Johnny, and their lawyer Sam are discussing particularly potent pot strains including one named “How long has that van been there?” and another called “Can you help me get home?” It’s a hilarious sendup of the sometimes unpleasant reactions people have when they’ve taken too many hits off the heady glass or smoked weed that’s just too potent for their particular makeup. In this post we decided to look at steps you can take should you find yourself a little too high.

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Making Weed Tea: How You Can Do It

Updated on September 22nd 2023

Our Denver smoke shop has a secret love: weed tea. Does it sound disgusting? Yes! Is it disgusting? That’s up to you to decide.

With the right mix of weed, tea, and add-ons like honey or cinnamon, you can create a delicious concoction that will get you as high as a kite.

We’re excited to share this recipe with you. Weed tea is a little-known way of consuming marijuana, but it can do wonders.

What’s better than snuggling up with a cup of tea while watching one of your favorite shows? And not just any tea. Tea that will get you high!

So put away your glass pipes and pull out a ceramic mug instead. Here we go!

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Five Ways to Salvage Your Old Weed

So you’ve found some old pot. Can you still use it? Will it hurt you? Will it get you high?

Our headshop gets this question all the time. Of course you don’t want to waste any precious nugs if you don’t have to. Luckily, you’re in the clear.

Using old weed can still get you high. But the best thing to do with it is to repurpose it! This can breathe some fresh air into your old pot.

Let’s go over the ins and outs of old weed, and finish off with some ideas on how to bring it back to life.

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How to Inhale Weed (Yes, There is a Right Way)

People come to our Denver headshop all the time wondering why they go through so much weed. The first thing we tell them is that they may not be inhaling correctly!

Our head shop knows all about inhaling weed firsthand. There are two main mistakes people make when trying to inhale weed:

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How Eating Edibles Compares to Smoking Weed

When you’re first searching “smoke shop near me” on Google, you may not be sure how you want to consume your weed. Our head shop specializes in custom glass pipes and bongs, but we can still walk you through the world of both smoking and edibles.

If you’ve never tried an edible, you’ll be surprised at how different the experience is from smoking. It’s a different kind of high that is stronger and lasts longer. And it’s easy to accidentally get a lot higher than planned! But don’t worry, we’ll cover that.

Let’s talk about how the body reacts to smoking and edibles, how each method affects your high, the difference between Indica and Sativa strains, and some common cannabinoids.

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How to Tell the Difference Between Good and Bad Weed

Life is full of unanswered questions: What triggered the big bang? If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it does it make any noise? How do you tell the difference between good weed and bad weed? We can’t do much to address the first two questions, but we do know a thing or two about marijuana and we’re here to say that there are some pretty reliable things to look for that will help ensure you only pack good weed into your custom glass pipes.

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How Does Cannabis Affect Appetite?

Can our Northglenn smoke shop truly help impact your appetite? And what are the medical advantages, as well as disadvantages, to this superpower?

There are a lot of mumbo jumbo claims made about marijuana that aren’t backed by any science. But THC’s and CBD’s impacts on hunger are actually based in reality.

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Weed Hangovers 101: Prevention and Treatment

Alas, you have a forsaken weed hangover. Has your favorite Northglenn smoke shop done you dirty? Do you feel betrayed? Confused? Or just…mildly ill?

Luckily for you, our online head shop is no stranger to weed hangovers. We’ve seen our custom glass pipes bring about weed hangovers for years, and most (okay, all) of our staff has dealt with weed hangovers themselves.

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Seven Top Ways to Rehydrate Your Reefer

We don’t know who came up with the saying “airtight and outta sight” but that person knew what they were talking about. If you take your fresh, moist cannabis, transfer it to an airtight vessel and sequester it away in a dark place, it’s going to retain its moisture content for a good long time.

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The Difference Between Indica, Sativa and Hybrid Strains

Depending on who’s doing the classifying there are either 5 or 6 major types of corn. There are also 33 different types of tomatoes and more than 200 varieties of potato. So it should come as no surprise that there is more than 1 type of cannabis.

If you’re new to the world of cannabis and you’re wondering what you should put in your new custom glass pipes, know that cannabis plants are divided into 2 main species, “sativa” and “indica”, and within those 2 groups there are a multitude of further subspecies. Hybrid strains are produced by crossbreeding members of the two major strains.

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First Time Smoking Weed? Tips You Should Follow

Updated on September 22nd 2023

There are decades, even centuries of mystique surrounding weed that draws people to want to try it. The fact that it was illegal for so long only adds to that mystique.

But mystique or not, once they smoke it for the first time most people either love it or they’re not impressed and move on. There is a third type of reaction, however, that occurs in a tiny percentage of first-time smokers: they get a bit freaked out by the way it alters their perceptions.

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Is Vaping a Better Alternative to Smoking?

The joint is an iconic symbol of cannabis consumption and is the most widely used method of delivery worldwide. In fact, it’s not even close. But are joints really the best way to enjoy weed or is there a better way? Do vaporizers, for instance, produce a better buzz and are they better for your overall health?

Because marijuana is a natural product that does not contain the carcinogens and noxious chemicals added to cigarette tobacco it poses a much smaller risk to one’s health than smoking. Smaller, but not non-existent. You’re still breathing smoke into your lungs which, no matter how you spin it, is not an ideal situation.

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Covering Up the Smell of Weed: A Few Tricks

Updated on September 22nd 2023

As a society, we’ve made some significant strides in the acceptance of cannabis in recent years. Still, pot is not legal everywhere, landlords tend to discourage the open use of marijuana by their tenants, and some people go apoplectic when they smell smoke of any kind.

As such, it can pay to know a few tricks that will enable you to cover the smell of weed so that you can enjoy a bowl without worrying about the dreaded “knock on the door”.

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A Short History of the Herb Vaporizer

Vaping is associated with the 21st century to almost the same degree as digital technology. It’s a thoroughly modern phenomenon made possible by various subtle technological advances and anyone who tells you otherwise is just blowing vape clouds up your you-know-what. Or are they?

Most anyone you ask in your local vape shop will be happy to tell you that the whole vape thing is a response to the rise of contemporary cannabis culture. But the truth is vaping has been with us for thousands of years. That doesn’t mean that the ancients had contemporary-looking vaporizers, but rather that they understood and practiced the art of vaporizing using a variety of low-tech methods.

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The Denver Flavor Ban: What You Need To know

Update – July 2023: For up-to-date information on vaporizer-related policies in Denver and statewide, please visit the Public Health Law Center’s guide to Colorado e-cigarette regulations.

After years of advocacy by City Council Members and large organizations such as the American Heart Association, Denver City Council Members are now pushing for a ban on the sale of Flavored Nicotine Products, joining other cities around Colorado, like Aspen and Boulder. What comes next?

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23 Fast Facts About Vaping From Our Vape Shop Team

Vaporizer use has gradually increased in popularity throughout the past decade. With more and more of our peers choosing to purchase disposable vaporizers each year, it’s natural to be curious about the increasingly popular habit. 710 Pipes has crunched the numbers on e-cigarette use and put together a guide to the latest statistics on vaporizer use in the United States and worldwide. Explore the top reasons for vaping, money spent on vape products, the makeup of vape users and more in the fast facts our vape shop team has compiled below.

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25 Fast Facts About Cannabis in the U.S. and Worldwide

Colorado and Washington made history in 2012 as the first two American states to legalize cannabis for adult recreational use. Less than a decade later, the cannabis industry is considered the fastest-growing field in the nation. The industry has flourished in recent years with an outcropping of exciting job prospects, higher education coursework and rapidly growing rates of support among bipartisan American voters. How has public perception and use of cannabis shifted in the past few years? Who’s lighting up their heady glass water pipe most often from coast to coast? Our smoke shop team’s here to break down any details that remain a little hazy. Learn the basic findings of the latest available cannabis industry research with the following twenty-five fast facts about cannabis in 2021.

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How To Pick The Best Grinder

Updated on September 22nd 2023

Picture this: You’re browsing our Online Smoke Shop, looking for a new grinder. With all of the options available, which do you choose? Should you go all out for a Santa Cruz Shredder? Maybe just a $5 acrylic grinder? What size do you need? Read on and rest easy. We’ve done the research, and are here to provide you with all of the knowledge you need to pick your first (or last) grinder!

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Five States Vote to Legalize Weed In The 2020 Election

Updated on July 19th 2023

We’d like to send a HUGE congratulations to Arizona, Montana, Mississippi, New Jersey and South Dakota! This is a big step in the right direction, and we couldn’t be happier about the progression of Cannabis Legislation throughout the country. Keep reading below for a rundown on the regulations in these newly cannabis-friendly states.

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Twenty-Two More Clever Terms for Cannabis

In our last article, our head shop writers dove deep into every source on slang to explain thirty-four unique terms for cannabis. This week, we’re concluding our glossary of grass with explanations of twenty-two more entertaining terms.

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What The Kids Are Calling It: 56 Creative Terms for Cannabis

Updated on July 19th 2023

In our last article, we discussed the origin and controversy surrounding the word “marijuana” as compared to the scientific term “cannabis.” If neither term feels quite right, don’t worry. Our writers delved deep into every source on slang this week to bring you fifty-five unusual terms for cannabis, with brief explanations of each. You’re sure to find your new favorite name for your favorite plant below.

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What’s In a Name? Cannabis vs. Marijuana

The American cannabis industry is rapidly growing and evolving with every passing year. With the increased popularity and policy changes surrounding the plant, a number of controversies have also arisen. How much testing do we need before legalizing each form of cannabis? What should the legal age be? Is state-by-state legalization enough, or is Federal legalization an essential step?

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Study Suggests Some Cannabis Strains May Help Combat COVID-19

The World Health Organization first announced Coronavirus, or COVID-19, as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on January 30th of this year. As of March 11th, coronavirus has been classified as an international pandemic. Over the past few months, the virus has devastated communities across the globe and claimed more than 330,000 lives to date – and its tragic toll is continually rising.

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How Has Coronavirus Affected Colorado Cannabis Sales?

On March 11th, COVID-19 was officially declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization with approximately 118,000 confirmed cases and 4,300 deaths worldwide. Less than four weeks later, both totals have increased more than tenfold with over a million cases and 60,000 casualties in total. With confirmed cases of COVID-19 rising at a startling rate each day, communities around the globe have implemented significant changes in their economic and social structuring to help reduce the spread of the highly contagious virus.

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Cannabis Delivery Drone Development Underway in Washington

The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked questions around the world of the best ways to slow the virus’s spread. With social isolation mandates implemented throughout the country, and more strictly enforced quarantines abroad, separation has proven to be an essential aspect in controlling the pandemic’s impact.

The New York Times recently affirmed that Washington State has been hit exceptionally hard by the recent coronavirus outbreak. “As about 100 new patients have been identified each recent day in Washington State, officials there have scrambled to impose restrictions on public gatherings and slow the transmission rate.” With 85 total fatalities to date, more have died from coronavirus in Washington than any other state in the nation.

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COVID-19 and Cannabis: How Smokers Can Stay Safe

Coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19, was officially deemed a pandemic on Wednesday by the World Health Organization. The international outbreak of coronavirus has already claimed the lives of sixty Americans and more than 6,000 individuals around the world.
The spread of COVID-19 has unduly affected some regions and high-risk demographics, but even lower-risk individuals have taken serious steps to reduce their odds of infection. Schools and workplaces across America have shut down indefinitely to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and individuals across the nation have begun self-quarantining, resulting in national shortages of high-demand supplies like water, soap, and toilet paper.

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Crime and Cannabis: Comparing Studies to Lingering Stigmas

Throughout recent years surrounding cannabis legalization, a rather volatile (if quiet) debate has continued to echo down the halls of established mainstream media outlets. One question lies at the heart of the controversy – what social impact, if any, do cannabis dispensaries have on their surrounding communities? The United States and most other countries have had head shops, pipe shops and smoke shops for decades, many of which cater to the cannabis-friendly. For this reason, the concern seems almost strange. At last, the numbers are in to put this issue to rest – so put down that bong and take a look.

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Top Seven Terpenes Found in Cannabinoids

What are Terpenes?
Terpenes are a group of aromatic and rich essential oils. Terpenes are most commonly found in cannabinoids like THC, hemp and CBD, as well as many common fruits and plant varieties. Terpenes are incredibly common in the world today, and many studies have backed their propensity to support health and wellness in multiple different ways. This is largely because terpenes naturally enrich all of the foods and plants that they’re found in. While more than 200 varieties of terpenes are in existence today, some are much more prevalent, while others aren’t so common. Today’s smoke shop guide outlines nine of the most popular terpenes around, possible benefits that they offer, and the most common sources that they’re found in.

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Buying a Scale

Updated on September 22nd 2023

Business or Pleasure?
When you’re shopping for the perfect scale, there are several factors to consider. We’ll explain the most important aspects, and help you weigh the pros and cons of each. Many backgrounds lead cannabis lovers to the purchase of a scale. Whether you work in a Denver dispensary, you’re a regular shopper there looking for your money’s worth, or a cautious consumer working to abide by local carrying limits, it’s always good to get familiar with a quality scale. Every day consumers and those working professionally in dispensaries will have a few distinctions in their needs. Whatever your story, we’ll review the top considerations for a quality scale below, and help you find exactly what you’re after next time you stop by our smoke shop. With proper use and a well-made instrument, you can rest assured of your scale’s precision so these worries won’t be weighing on your mind.

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How to Store Your Stash

Not too hot…

Avoid storing cannabis near anything that gives off heat. Mold and mildew grow most quickly in warm temperatures – especially in the range of 77° to 86° F. Keeping your stash somewhere cooler than this will go a long way toward preventing this type of contamination.  High temperatures can also damage the chemical composition of marijuana, potentially damaging terpenes that developed over months of mindful care. You’ll get a harsh, hot hit of smoke if you dry out your supply and damage these essential oils. So keep it someplace cool, and your throat will thank you.

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How To Roll The Perfect Joint

Here at 710 Pipes, we have every imaginable smoking product and accessory. Our Northglenn and Denver smoke shops (on Colfax and near D.U.) are packed with hundreds of quality vaporizersa>, pipes, water pipes, hookahs and so much more. Still, sometimes it’s refreshing to go back to basics by rolling up a little paper. We recently reviewed the different types of rolling papers and the biggest advantages of each. But once you’ve bought your papers – then what? There are three basic categories of rolled cannabis: spliffs, joints, and blunts. Even the newest smoker on the block has usually heard these names dropped in passing, but the divisions between the three groups can get a little hazey. First, we’ll go over the basics of each category, and the pros and cons to each type. Then, follow our seasoned smoke shop expert’s step-by-step instructions to roll the perfect joint.

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Indica Versus Sativa: What’s in A Name?

The cannabis legalization movement has spread like wildfire across the globe, and as a consequence, novice smokers and aficionados alike have been introduced to a staggering cornucopia of seemingly endless varieties of the plant and the pipes and rolling papers that allow for its consumption. Names like Bubba Kush and Girl Scout Cookies adorn reefer labels and can understandably confuse anyone not well-versed in the lingo. Today we’ll check out the meaning behind these names and why specific strains never seem to stick around for too long, no matter how in vogue.

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Cannabis Versus Alcohol: Is There A Healthier Vice?

Cannabis and alcohol both have been used by practically every culture for millennia. Both occur naturally without intervention and have played prominent roles is just about every facet of human society at one time or another: from their appreciable roles in scientific innovations to religious practices across the globe. Both have a strong capacity for altering consciousness, but is one of them quantifiably more dangerous than the other? Let’s take a look and find out.

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Getting the Most Flavor Out of Your Herb: The Grinder Debate and Modern Smoking Devices

Cannabis culture has come such a long way since the sixties. So much so that modern pot smokers speak more like wine snobs than the seedy stereotypes portrayed in movies and TV. In-store dispensary discussions often revolve just as much around the flavor profile of Cannabis products as the effects. As a result, the glass pipe industry has come up with countless innovations to improve the quality of your herb’s flavor – often times even borrowing designs from laboratory science. After a few decades of this growing demand we now have a sweeping array of clever pipe designs, and an exhibition to your local head shop is likely to blow your mind. We’ll take a look at some of these new innovations in smoking devices – and a few tips from our smoke shop professionals – to make your smoking experience delicious as possible.

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420 Celebrations – Local, National and World Wide

Updated on July 19th 2023

As every self-respecting stoner knows, the high holiday of cannabis culture takes place on the 20th of every April. Denver isn’t the only city with a variety of unique 4/20 events commemorating cannabis culture. In every state, country and continent, cannabis enthusiasts of every variety join together in celebration. Review our guide to discover nine next-level 4/20 events hosted locally and throughout the world.

Don’t feel like leaving the house to celebrate this year? No problem! Check out our team’s best ideas for celebrating 4/20 at home.

Denver hosts a variety of unique 4/20 events commemorating cannabis culture – and an extensive variety of events worldwide. Let’s explore nine recurring cannabis celebrations occurring locally and throughout the world.

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Social Marijuana Consumption Initiative Status

For years now, Denver has been working on getting a vast community of businesses together where we can all socially enjoy our great buds with our great buds, together in a public setting. It’s been a long wait, but the movement has been gaining traction and within the next couple months a handful of businesses that have already applied for their license should be up and running and within a year (if everything goes as planned) there should be an exciting variety of locations where social consumption is allowed, encouraged, and the heart of their business. All good news; however, the road up to getting to this point has not been easy.

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