Blog Tag: guide

Too Much THC? Here’s How to Feel Less High

In the vast majority of instances, a cannabis buzz is a wonderful thing. But there are times when even the most experienced cannabis connoisseur will overindulge and end up emotionally uncomfortable, maybe even paranoid. Although such experiences will ultimately pass, they are no fun when you go through them. In this guide, the 710 Pipes online head shop team provides seven useful tips to help you step back from the edge of an uncomfortable high.

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How to Dry and Cure Cannabis (and Why You Should)

It might seem like the hard work is done once you have harvested your cannabis crop, but the truth is you still have some work to do before your weed is bong-ready. By that we mean you still have to dry and cure your cannabis buds in order to ensure they produce an optimal experience. In this guide, the team at the 710 Pipes headshop in Denver take a close look at the process of curing your cannabis buds.

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Headshops vs. Coffee Shops: What’s the Difference?

The distinction between the terms “coffee shop” and “head shop” has never been muddier than it is today. The same can be said for the distinction between “coffee shop” and “cafe”. To bring some degree of clarity to the situation, the team here at the 710 Pipes online smoke shop has decided to take a close look at what separates the contemporary coffee house from the contemporary headshop. Enjoy.

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Taking a Weed Tolerance Break? Here’s How to Do It Right

Whether we’re talking about travel partying or eating your favorite food, too much of a good thing is never a good thing. The same can be said for smoking weed. Regular cannabis consumers know all too well that at a certain point, their tolerance for THC goes up which means they need ever greater quantities of herb to achieve the same buzz. Fortunately, there’s something you can do about it. In this brief guide, the team at our Denver headshop location looks into the weed tolerance break, what it is, and how to make the most of it.

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The Apple Pipe: What It Is and How to Make One

Maybe you’ve heard of the apple pipe but just assumed it was named after its inventor/designer (there are thousands of people in the US with the last name “Apple” so it’s not out of the question). Or maybe someone told you about it and you just assumed they were joking with you. Or maybe you’ve never heard of it. In any case, the team at the 710 Pipes headshop at Denver University would like to set the record straight:

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Dealing With Red Eyes After Smoking

We’ve all had to deal with it. You pass around a joint or some heady glass and a short while later your eyes look like you’ve got the world’s worst case of hay fever. Bloodshot eyes have long been the bane of the stoner’s existence, forever outing them or threatening to do so to the boss, the parents, business associates, the police, and everyone else.

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How to Make the Perfect Stoner Room

The den of iniquity has been a part of the human story since the dawn of civilization. Since the beginning of recorded history, people have always set aside places where they could let down their hair, kick up their feet, and partake of their favorite recreational substance. The stoner room is but the latest incarnation of it. Below, the crew from the 710 Pipes headshop in Denver will impart some sage advice on how to create the perfect stoner room.

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Portable vs. Desktop Dry Herb Vaporizers

Anyone who works in a vape shop has to deal with questions about the differences between desktop and portable vaporizers all the time. In particular, people want to know if there’s a significant difference in functionality between the two or if the differences are mainly cosmetic. In this post, we’re going to compare how each type of unit performs similar functions, whether one is objectively better than the other and what are the pros and cons of each type of device.

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How to Tell the Difference Between Good and Bad Weed

Life is full of unanswered questions: What triggered the big bang? If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it does it make any noise? How do you tell the difference between good weed and bad weed? We can’t do much to address the first two questions, but we do know a thing or two about marijuana and we’re here to say that there are some pretty reliable things to look for that will help ensure you only pack good weed into your custom glass pipes.

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Cleaning a Dab Rig: How to Do a Great Job

While there is some squabbling about who can claim credit for inventing the dab rig it’s generally accepted that they’ve been around for about 15 years. While strictly a curiosity at first the popularity of the dab rig had exploded in recent years as legal restrictions on the use of cannabis and cannabis-derived products have been lifted nationwide. In this post, those of us at your favorite online head shop are going to take a deep dive into the dab rig, what it is, how it works, and how to keep it clean so that it always provides optimal performance.

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How to Lower Your Weed Tolerance Without Stopping

No one wants to have to take a tolerance break. They’re no fun, you get withdrawals, and you miss out on getting high with your friends. Plus what are you supposed to do all day? Just look at your glass pipes sitting on the shelves?

But go to any Denver smoke shop and you’ll likely be told that the only way to lower your weed tolerance is to take a t-break. But our online smoke shop knows better!

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Six Great Smoke Shop Gift Ideas for Your Girl

Updated on September 22nd 2023

Are you looking to buy the perfect stoner gifts for your girl? Well don’t worry- we’ve put together the ultimate list of ideas to impress your girl and win her stoner heart.

But none of the gifts will mean anything unless they’re specialized. Why would a girl care about a bubbler if it doesn’t match the rest of her collection? And think about how happy she would be if you bought her edibles in her favorite flavor!

For these gifts to really mean something, you need to put some effort in. But we’ll coach you through that, too!

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Biggest Do’s and Don’ts When Packing Your Bong’s Bowl

Everyone wants to know how to pack the perfect bowl. If you’re looking for the best high- and to get the most out of your weed- a well-packed bowl is vital.

Unfortunately, you probably have some bad habits to kick (ahem, overpacking!). There’s also probably some extra effort you need to start putting in, like using a screen or fully grinding your weed.

Luckily, we’ve broken down all the dos and don’ts of packing a bowl so you can become an expert in no time!

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Heady Glass 101: An Essential Guide

Updated in April 2022
Our online smoke shop carries a range of stunning and locally made heady glass. If you’re new to the head shop scene, or looking to better understand your options, review our expert guide to learn the essentials of heady glass.

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Grinders Guide: Types, Cleaning Options and Essential Tips

Updated on May 29th 2024

As you mature and become a more sophisticated consumer of cannabis you are going to drop some practices and pick up on others. One of the things almost everyone eventually gravitates to is the grinder. The marijuana grinder can make a big difference in the quality of your experience while at the same time cutting prep time dramatically and eliminating the need to wash your hands so much (if you grind with your hands, like a lot of folks do). In this post, the team at the 710 Pipes headshop in Denver answer some of the most common questions our customers have about grinding weed.

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How Does Cannabis Affect Appetite?

Can our Northglenn smoke shop truly help impact your appetite? And what are the medical advantages, as well as disadvantages, to this superpower?

There are a lot of mumbo jumbo claims made about marijuana that aren’t backed by any science. But THC’s and CBD’s impacts on hunger are actually based in reality.

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Weed Hangovers 101: Prevention and Treatment

Alas, you have a forsaken weed hangover. Has your favorite Northglenn smoke shop done you dirty? Do you feel betrayed? Confused? Or just…mildly ill?

Luckily for you, our online head shop is no stranger to weed hangovers. We’ve seen our custom glass pipes bring about weed hangovers for years, and most (okay, all) of our staff has dealt with weed hangovers themselves.

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Seven Reasons to Use a Chillum Pipe

Chillums are the most overlooked smoking device. But there’s no good reason for it!

Every stoner should own at least one chillum. They should be a staple in the arsenal of all potheads, whether you smoke once a month or don’t stay sober for more than 5 minutes at a time.

Buy a chillum from our online head shop and you’ll never look back. Keep reading to learn about the impressive benefits of the almighty chillum!

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The Big List of New Year’s Resolutions for Stoners

If you weren’t enjoying your favorite herb when the New Year’s ball dropped, you’re doing it wrong.

But it’s not enough just to be smoking on New Year’s Eve. 2022 is the year of the stoner, and it’s time for you to set some resolutions.

If it’s not already, bookmark our online head shop. This year, you’re going to need it.

Everyone else is choosing something to improve, so prove your rightful title of being a stoner by following this ultimate list of New Year’s resolutions!

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Transitioning from Smoking Herb to Vaporizing It

So some of your friends have started to buy vaporizers. Or maybe you’ve heard through the grapevine that they have loads of benefits over smoking.

Whether you’re questioning the safety of putting so much smoke in your lungs or you want to save money, it’s time to make the switch.

But even when you want to do something, it can be hard to build up the motivation to actually do it. And don’t stoners know that better than anyone else!

Lucky for you, we’ve put together some tips on how to have a smooth transition from smoking to vaporizing. Head over to your favorite vape shop to start your journey!

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How to Make a Gravity Bong: Our Smoke Shop’s Top Tricks

Updated on September 22nd 2023

A gravity bong is kind of like waterboarding for stoners, only better because it shreds your consciousness in a positive rather than negative way. With a gravity bong, a couple of bottles, H2O, and the laws of physics are used to produce Olympian rips that transport the stoner to previously unheard-of heights of THC-driven delight.

No one here at the online head shop knows exactly who came up with the gravity bong but it was obviously someone with a keen knowledge of both hydrology and stonology. Because bottles take many different shapes and sizes, gravity bongs (sometimes referred to as “geebs”) also take on myriad forms. But no matter the form, the principle behind this most creative of stoner innovations remains the same.

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How to Clean Your Dry Herb Vaporizer

Dry herb vaporizers are pieces of equipment. And like all pieces of equipment, they need to be properly maintained in order to do their job the way they were designed to. If you’ve had one for a while, or just brought one home from the vape shop and are wondering about how you keep vaporizer devices clean, fear not. We put our heads together and came up with the following guide that will remove all the mystery and trepidation from cleaning your dry herb vaporizer.

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Seven Top Ways to Rehydrate Your Reefer

We don’t know who came up with the saying “airtight and outta sight” but that person knew what they were talking about. If you take your fresh, moist cannabis, transfer it to an airtight vessel and sequester it away in a dark place, it’s going to retain its moisture content for a good long time.

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The Difference Between Indica, Sativa and Hybrid Strains

Depending on who’s doing the classifying there are either 5 or 6 major types of corn. There are also 33 different types of tomatoes and more than 200 varieties of potato. So it should come as no surprise that there is more than 1 type of cannabis.

If you’re new to the world of cannabis and you’re wondering what you should put in your new custom glass pipes, know that cannabis plants are divided into 2 main species, “sativa” and “indica”, and within those 2 groups there are a multitude of further subspecies. Hybrid strains are produced by crossbreeding members of the two major strains.

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Dry Herb Vaping for Beginners: A Short Guide

If vaping is new to you and you have questions about vaporizers or dry herb vaping then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’re going to go over the specifics of what a dry herb vaporizer is, how it works and its many benefits. Read this before you go searching for a “vape shop near me”.

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Six Misconceptions About Smoking a Bong

Updated on September 22nd 2023

Over the past quarter-century, weed has gradually emerged from the shadows and increasingly gained mainstream acceptance. With that acceptance has come a significant uptick in the amount of dialogue regarding everyone’s favorite herb. Mixed in among the funny stories, uplifting tales, and useful information are a surprising number of misconceptions and urban legends. This is particularly true when it comes to bongs.

In an effort to try and set the record straight, those of us at your favorite online smoke shop decided to take a look at a half-dozen of the most pervasive and, in some cases, head-scratching misconceptions regarding the humble bong. So let’s get to it.

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First Time Smoking Weed? Tips You Should Follow

Updated on September 22nd 2023

There are decades, even centuries of mystique surrounding weed that draws people to want to try it. The fact that it was illegal for so long only adds to that mystique.

But mystique or not, once they smoke it for the first time most people either love it or they’re not impressed and move on. There is a third type of reaction, however, that occurs in a tiny percentage of first-time smokers: they get a bit freaked out by the way it alters their perceptions.

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Our Smoke Shop’s Guide to the Perfect Bong Rip

A bong is maybe the most effective way yet devised to get wiped quickly. It provides you the ability to take monster hits, and because those hits are filtered through water, they’re nice and smooth. But what if you could stack a hit that was so big and potent that it would knock Godzilla back on his butt? Well, you can. It’s called a “bong rip” and in this article, your friends at the 710 Pipes head shop are going to explain how you can use glass pipes to create the perfect rip.

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Covering Up the Smell of Weed: A Few Tricks

Updated on September 22nd 2023

As a society, we’ve made some significant strides in the acceptance of cannabis in recent years. Still, pot is not legal everywhere, landlords tend to discourage the open use of marijuana by their tenants, and some people go apoplectic when they smell smoke of any kind.

As such, it can pay to know a few tricks that will enable you to cover the smell of weed so that you can enjoy a bowl without worrying about the dreaded “knock on the door”.

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A Short History of the Herb Vaporizer

Vaping is associated with the 21st century to almost the same degree as digital technology. It’s a thoroughly modern phenomenon made possible by various subtle technological advances and anyone who tells you otherwise is just blowing vape clouds up your you-know-what. Or are they?

Most anyone you ask in your local vape shop will be happy to tell you that the whole vape thing is a response to the rise of contemporary cannabis culture. But the truth is vaping has been with us for thousands of years. That doesn’t mean that the ancients had contemporary-looking vaporizers, but rather that they understood and practiced the art of vaporizing using a variety of low-tech methods.

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How to Properly Store Your Vape Juice

Whether you’re a vaping vet or an absolute beginner there’s one issue you can’t ignore: how to keep your vape juice fresh and enjoyable. Vape juice is pretty simple stuff, typically comprised of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, some type of flavoring (either natural or artificial) and, in some cases, nicotine.

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Putting Together The Ultimate Bong Collection

For many people, the bong is the ultimate vehicle for enjoying their favorite herb. They’re easy to use, don’t require rolling, provide you with Olympic-level hits and are all the rage at parties. Not to mention that they also make good objects to zone out on after you’ve polished off a couple of bowls. But with so many different bongs on the market today it got those of us at your favorite online smoke shop to thinking: “Why have just one bong? Why not have different bongs for different occasions?” And so that’s what this article is all about: Putting together the ultimate bong collection. Enjoy.

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Glass Pipes vs Bongs: What’s Right for YOU?

There are certain questions that have vexed even the smartest among us since the dawn of time: Where did we come from? What happens after we die? Which is better, a glass pipe or a bong? While we don’t have definitive answers to the first two questions, our status as purveyors of custom glass pipes and bongs positions us pretty well to try and tackle the third question.

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Why Not Cleaning Your Bongs and Pipes is a Bad Idea

Updated on September 22nd 2023

Reasons to Keep Bongs and Pipes Clean
Built-Up Residue Increases Fire Risk
Besides being unsightly to look upon, accumulated residue can pose dangers for smokers. A significant amount of buildup may result in a fire when you cover up the carb, possibly burning your fingers and your mouth.
This hazard is totally preventable if you watch what you’re doing.

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Ten Vape Juice Flavors That You Probably Haven’t Tried

Updated on September 22nd 2023

According to a 2022 survey by the Food and Drug Administration, nearly 85% of vaporizer users prefer flavored e-cigarettes to unflavored alternatives. This overwhelming majority didn’t go unnoticed – leading vape manufacturers and vape shops alike are continually working to provide customers with new and innovative ejuice options. In short, they’ve been able to reproduce just about every you can imagine in a break-neck effort to win over the most loyal buyers possible. That being said, there are probably several flavors and brands you haven’t tried at your local vape shop.

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Five Myths Associated with Buying from an Online Smoke Shop

Updated on July 19th 2023

Chances are, if you’ve smoked using a bong, you’ve also called it – or heard others call it – a water pipe. Same thing, both names a longstanding part of smoking culture. Call it what you will, it’s one of the most commonly used smoking implements amongst cannabis aficionados and has been since its humble 16th century birth in China the waning days of the Ming Dynasty.
A classic bong is made of different materials, like acrylic and glass. It entails an open pipe that’s fixed to a water chamber. An inlet is linked to the chamber allowing you to breathe in the tasty smoke. When the dried herb of choice is set and lit inside the bong’s bowl, the smoke cools and filters through the clean water before it is inhaled.
Why buy a bong from an online smoke shop? Because they’re reliable and practical smoking implements and a reputable online retailer won’t steer you wrong. Unlike other devices, a bong doesn’t need a rechargeable battery to work. Another big reason? The water inside the bong processes the smoke initially, eliminating impurities before you take a hit. Many people say hits are stronger and smoother, perfect for long sessions. Finally, it’s easy to clean and use.

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Jobs for 2023 Graduates in the Booming Cannabis Industry

Updated on July 19th 2023

Congratulations to the high school and college graduating class of 2023! Finally tossing that graduation cap – live or through a COVID-era virtual ceremony – is one of life’s greatest milestones and among the best reasons to celebrate. Now’s the perfect time to treat yourself to a heady glass purchase and a fun night out (or night in).

According to research from the University of Washington, the average college graduate takes an estimated three to six months to find a job after getting their degree. As the dust begins to settle around your freshly-framed diploma, you may find yourself starting to wonder where to go from here. According to recent research, an increasing number of Americans are choosing careers in the cannabis industry.

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Five Biggest Advantages of Online Smoke Shops

We can’t speak highly enough about our two smoke shop locations – in Northglenn and Denver near D.U.. While shopping at our pipe shops in-person has many merits, choosing to order products through an online smoke shop has some serious advantages too, including these five serious perks.

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Fantastic 4/20 Events to Safely Enjoy At Home in 2021

It’s that time of year again, smoke shop lovers – and once again, COVID-19 has put an end to the perfect party plans we’d dreamed about in quarantine. We’d all hoped that the pandemic would have ended by now for so many reasons, both big and small. From crucial concerns for our loved ones health and safety to fleeting irritation from an itchy mask, it’s been a uniquely difficult year in more ways than we could count. Health-conscious individuals everywhere have collectively done everything in our power to slow the curve in our communities with a significant spike in the choice to work remotely, attend school virtually and shop at online stores from home whenever possible. These adaptations have all helped us to continue building enriching lives and make ends meet while minimizing our impact on public health. We’ve also seen a surge in virtual events and creative ways to stay connected with friends and family through remote forms of socialization.

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New Dry Herb Vaporizer? Here’s How to Use It

There’s no shortage of dry herb vaporizers on the market today. If you stop by our Denver or Northglenn head shop locations, or browse our online smoke shop’s selection, you’ll find top-quality models from Pax, Storz and Bickel, Dr. Dabber and other leading brands. With such a wide range of vaporizers available for sale, you can easily find the perfect option for your unique preferences on size, shape, heat settings and more. While the selection of dry herb vaporizers is extensive, most devices are strikingly similar in the way they function. If you’re new to the smoke shop scene – or just to this method of consuming your favorite herb – follow these steps to properly load and enjoy your dry herb vaporizer.

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Grinders Guide: Types, Cleaning Options & Maintenance Tips

Updated on May 28th 2024

As you mature and become a more sophisticated consumer of cannabis you are going to drop some practices and pick up on others. One of the things almost everyone eventually gravitates to is the grinder. The marijuana grinder can make a big difference in the quality of your experience while at the same time cutting prep time dramatically and eliminating the need to wash your hands so much (if you grind with your hands, like a lot of folks do). In this post, the team at the 710 Pipes headshop in Denver answer some of the most common questions our customers have about grinding weed.

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Four Big Differences Between Bongs and Dab Rigs

PICTURED: 10mm Heady Glass Dab Rig by Liquid Glass Arts at 710 Pipes Smoke Shop

Anyone who has stopped by our Northglenn or Denver smoke shops knows that we stock thousands of heady glass pieces – including hundreds of locally-made bongs and dab rigs. Still, many smoke shop visitors may still be wondering – what’s the difference between the two? Before making your next purchase, review these four key factors separating bongs from dab rigs to determine which type of smoking device is best suited to your preferences.

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Four Ways to Keep Your Bongs from Breaking

Little can compare to the undying love a cannabis smoker has for their favorite bong. Some stay loyal to the very first piece they purchase, enjoying the rush of memories bubbling up with every hit. Others give their heart to their top-shelf piece, won over by its impressive impact, unusually smooth hits, or intricate design. Regardless, we’ll all do whatever we can to extend the years we share with our favorite pieces and to keep them safe from harm. Water pipes and other heady glass smoking devices can unfortunately be damaged quite easily, or even shattered beyond repair, from a single fall to the floor. How can we keep our favorite bongs – and our stoner hearts – from breaking? The following four practices can go a long way toward keeping water pipes safe from harm.

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Five Common Myths About Online Smoke Shops

Updated on July 19th 2023

In 2020, 710 Pipes launched our online smoke shop, making hundreds of our best products available for online purchase to adult customers throughout the United States. With this transition, we’ve been approached with a range of questions from a variety of curious customers about the pros and cons of online purchasing – including first-time visitors dipping their toe into the smoke shop scene and longtime, regular customers alike. It’s come to our attention that a few major myths about online smoke shops are surprisingly common today. Today’s online smoke shop guide is here to address five common misconceptions about online smoke shops – and to set the record straight once and for all about this increasingly popular way to purchase smoking devices, accessories and more.

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The Essential Guide to Nectar Collectors

Updated on September 22nd 2023

Whether you’re exclusively a fan of oils or just dabble in dabbing wax, you owe it to yourself to make the most of every dabbing session. One foolproof way to maximize the impact of every hit is with the use of your number one nectar collector. Not familiar with this popular dabbing tool – or a little hazy about the product’s purpose? We’ve got you covered in the following guide. Our smoke shop team breaks down the fundamentals of nectar collectors below – including an overview of what they are, the story behind their origin, and the biggest reasons to snag a few nectar collectors ASAP from our online smoke shop or Denver-area locations.

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Two Effective Ways to Clean Your Water Pipe

Our online smoke shop team recently explained why it’s important to keep your water pipes clean. That leaves us with a glaring question – what’s the best way to clean them? We’ve put together a step-by step guide to two recommended bong-cleaning approaches.

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Four Effective Filtration Methods for Better Bong Hits

Even on the best of days, we’re only human. The need to occasionally clear our throats or cough when they get irritated wouldn’t usually make most of us think twice. However, with flu season 2020 rapidly descending and the second wave of an unprecedented global pandemic steadily rising in its impact, a cough or two can be enough to make us panic – if only for a second or two. Regular consumers of legal herb may have made peace with the “smoker’s cough” some time ago, but even minor extra throat sounds can make fellow grocery shoppers shoot daggers from their six-foot distance and lurch backwards lest we have the plague.

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Five Forms of Hand Pipes and the Perks of Each

Looking for the perfect hand pipe for the smoke shop lover in your life this holiday season? Head shops like ours proudly carry thousands of quality products, with extensive variety in our selection of hand pipes, water pipes, vaporizers and more. While this raises your potential to find the perfect options for your preferences and price range, it can be hard to know which choice is best for you.

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The Essentials of Chillums

Chillums have existed for centuries, but they just became a popular hand pipe option in the recent past. There are so many reasons to love chillums – from their appealing look to their user-friendly structure. New to chillums and their many perks? Our head shop team is here to review the basics of chillums – to help you buy the right smoking device and enjoy your herb with ease.

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Four Important Reasons to Keep Your Water Pipes Clean

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has even the messiest cannabis smokers taking a second glance at their water pipes and smart rigs. More than ever before, our lives may depend on the length of our hand-washing sessions, coverage of our mouths and stringent sanitization of common surfaces. The good old days of “puff, puff pass” as the recommended practice are now officially behind us – do your friends a favor and keep the blunt to yourself this year.

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Twenty-Three More Smoke Shop Terms to Know

Our smoke shop locations in Denver and Northglenn stay stocked with thousands of quality products. While the variety lets smoke shop regulars find everything they need, it’s easy to get confused by the range of different options. Thankfully, last month’s guide to smoke shop terminology explained twenty-two top phrases to know before you shop – and this week’s follow-up has the meaning of twenty-three more.

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Twenty-Two Smoke Shop Terms to Know

Before making your next selection in our online smoke shop or any other store, it’s important to fully understand your options. With hundreds of our best pipes, water pipes and accessories available for online order – and thousands for sale from our Denver-area locations – that’s no small feat. Unless you’re an industry professional, reaching fluency in head shop lingo can be easier said than done. Our team is happy to answer every question you may have when you stop into our local smoke shops, but that’s not too helpful after business hours if you’re looking to buy online right away.

If you’re new to the smoke shop scene, or a little hazy on the latest lingo, fear not. Our smoke shop writers are here to help with our online guide to smoke shop terminology with quick explanations of these twenty-two common phrases.

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Six Types of Accessories Sold Online by 710 Pipes

Updated on September 22nd 2023

710 Pipes is known for our exceptional smoking devices like dab rigs, hookahs, and water pipes. We carry hundreds of heady glass pieces available for sale in our online smoke shop, and thousands in our Denver and Northglenn pipe shop locations. We also have smart rigs and vaporizer products to meet every preference and price range. While these types of products may be our best-known options, they’re certainly not all we carry. If you’re in the market for smoke shop accessories, we have you covered with a range of options available on-site and online. Today’s guide explores our online smoke shop’s most popular accessory categories.

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What’s a Grinder and Why Do I Need One?

Whether you’re new to the smoke shop scene or you’ve been around the block for decades, you’re likely aware of the variety of options from one smoking session to the next. Some prefer to imbibe their favorite legal herb through water pipes, while others swear by concentrates and smart rigs. Many smokers stick with the simple pleasure of a well-rolled joint. No matter how you smoke it, the impact felt from any particular herb can vary significantly depending on the way it’s imbibed. As so many of our seasoned smoke-shop regulars will tell you, a quality grinder is essential for any self-respecting smoker, and it’ll boost the quality of any smoking session.

What exactly is a grinder – and why do you need one? We’ll break it down for you (just this once).

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Silicone Essentials Under $100

Heady glass hand pipes and water pipes are revered for their exceptional beauty and intricate custom features. With stunning aesthetic appeal and extensive variation, there’s so much to appreciate about high-end heady glass. The biggest drawback to works of art like these is their relative breakability. After investing hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars on the glass piece of your dreams, it’s only natural to want to use it all the time. However, a single drop can shatter your prized possession and render it totally useless. Don’t get us wrong – heady glass is worth every penny. However, if you’re not known for your steady hand or grace on your feet, you may welcome a break from the worries about breaking your device.

Silicone hand pipes and water pipes have many advantages – chief among these is their limitless durability. With simplistic builds and affordable prices, these pieces boast impressive quality and durability – holding their own among high-end alternatives in terms of quality, function and form. If you need a break from your daily worries, a break-proof hand pipe or water pipe could be exactly what you need.

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Ultimate Buyer’s Guide: Types of Pipes, Vapes and Papers

Updated on July 19th 2023

Here at 710 Pipes, we offer every type of smoking product. With vaporizers, heady glass pipes and water pipes, rolling papers and much more, you’ll find everything you’re looking for at our Denver or Northglenn smoke shops and hundreds of our top products available for sale online.

Whether you’re a longtime smoke shop lover or you’re new to the scene, you’ve likely been curious about the various modes of consumption available for use. Walking into a smoke shop with thousands of options can be overwhelming, especially if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Thankfully, our seasoned industry experts have the intel on different types of glass pipes, wraps and vaporizers.

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How is Heady Glass Made?

If you’re a smoke shop regular, you’re likely to appreciate the art of well-crafted heady glass pieces. It’s impossible not to respect the intricacy and vision in exceptional glass pieces by talented glassblowers on the market today. When you’re marveling at the works of Denver legends like Hedman Headies, Mycomann, 2 Kind Glass and more, you may find yourself wondering exactly how these works of art are made. Today’s article takes a closer look at the process of heady glass creation with a step-by-step review of the standard glassblowing process.

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Twenty-Two More Clever Terms for Cannabis

In our last article, our head shop writers dove deep into every source on slang to explain thirty-four unique terms for cannabis. This week, we’re concluding our glossary of grass with explanations of twenty-two more entertaining terms.

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What The Kids Are Calling It: 56 Creative Terms for Cannabis

Updated on July 19th 2023

In our last article, we discussed the origin and controversy surrounding the word “marijuana” as compared to the scientific term “cannabis.” If neither term feels quite right, don’t worry. Our writers delved deep into every source on slang this week to bring you fifty-five unusual terms for cannabis, with brief explanations of each. You’re sure to find your new favorite name for your favorite plant below.

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Top Eight Reasons to Switch to Vaping

Vaporizers debuted on the market in 2003 and have gradually increased in popularity since their introduction. Today, vaporizers have become a popular commodity throughout the nation and abroad. Millions of former cigarette smokers have made the switch to vaporizer devices, citing a variety of reasons for their change. However, when asked about the favorite attributes that vape pens have to offer, a few popular selling points emerge. Today’s article brings you the eight biggest reasons to consider making the switch from cigarettes to vaporizers yourself.

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Five Things to Consider When Buying Your Next Hookah

Updated on September 22nd 2023

Cannabis isn’t the only legal herb beloved by countless American adults. There are so many reasons to love hookah and shisha products. As we explored in an earlier article on the History of the modern bong, hookah pipes originated in Ming Dynasty China more than a thousand years ago, and they’ve been a source of relaxation and enjoyment for nearly a thousand years since. Hookah bars are a popular venue to consume your favorite hookah and shisha products in the company of friends and fellow fans.

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Buying a Scale

Updated on September 22nd 2023

Business or Pleasure?
When you’re shopping for the perfect scale, there are several factors to consider. We’ll explain the most important aspects, and help you weigh the pros and cons of each. Many backgrounds lead cannabis lovers to the purchase of a scale. Whether you work in a Denver dispensary, you’re a regular shopper there looking for your money’s worth, or a cautious consumer working to abide by local carrying limits, it’s always good to get familiar with a quality scale. Every day consumers and those working professionally in dispensaries will have a few distinctions in their needs. Whatever your story, we’ll review the top considerations for a quality scale below, and help you find exactly what you’re after next time you stop by our smoke shop. With proper use and a well-made instrument, you can rest assured of your scale’s precision so these worries won’t be weighing on your mind.

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How to Store Your Stash

Not too hot…

Avoid storing cannabis near anything that gives off heat. Mold and mildew grow most quickly in warm temperatures – especially in the range of 77° to 86° F. Keeping your stash somewhere cooler than this will go a long way toward preventing this type of contamination.  High temperatures can also damage the chemical composition of marijuana, potentially damaging terpenes that developed over months of mindful care. You’ll get a harsh, hot hit of smoke if you dry out your supply and damage these essential oils. So keep it someplace cool, and your throat will thank you.

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Roadmap to the Right Wrap: Comparing Rolling Paper Materials

Frequent visitors of head shops like 710 Pipes tend to appreciate our mainstays, such as pipes, hookah products and rolling papers. Rolling papers come in various types, each offering a unique experience for smokers. From traditional materials like wood pulp to luxurious options like gold, the choices are as diverse as the preferences of those who use them. This comparison explores the distinct characteristics, benefits, and drawbacks of six popular rolling paper options.
Rolling Paper Types Compared

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Tell Joints Apart From Spliffs and Blunts – and Roll One Perfectly

Here at 710 Pipes, we have every imaginable smoking device and accessory – from heady glass bongs and dab rigs to carb caps and quartz bangers. Our Northglenn and Denver smoke shops (on Colfax and near D.U.) are packed with hundreds of quality vaporizers, pipes, water pipes, hookahs and so much more. Still, sometimes it’s refreshing to go back to basics by rolling up a little paper. We recently reviewed the different types of rolling papers and the biggest advantages of each. But once you’ve bought your papers – then what? There are three basic categories of rolled cannabis: spliffs, joints, and blunts. Even the newest cannabis smoker on the block has usually heard these names dropped in passing, but the divisions between the three groups can get a little hazey. First, we’ll go over the basics of each category, and the pros and cons to each type. Then, follow our seasoned smoke shop expert’s step-by-step instructions to roll the perfect joint.

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The Scourge of Synthetic Marijuana Descends on Denver

Updated on July 19th 2023

For hour after hour ambulance lights sliced through the night in New Haven, Connecticut. Emergency rooms in hospitals just a stone’s throw from the stately halls of Yale University were overwhelmed with victims, many of them vomiting and convulsing. It had all the earmarks of a chemical gas attack. And in an indirect way that’s what it was. But this particular chemical attack didn’t come courtesy of a Scud missile or terrorist’s makeshift explosive device. No. The victims of this chemical attack administered the poison agent to themselves. Its name: K2, synthetic marijuana.

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Types of Pipes: What Should You Choose?

Whether you’re a longtime smoker or new to the field of grass, you’ve likely been curious about the various modes of consumption available for use. Walking into a smoke shop with thousands of options can be overwhelming if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Pipes are generally made from one of three materials: glass, wood, and metal. There are pros and cons to each type of instrument that any user would be wise to consider, to ensure that they’re getting the best experience possible. There are many options to consider purchasing at any smoke shop, from vaporizers, to water pipes, bongs and more. Today we’ll compare the three most popular materials used for pipes and the benefits and drawbacks to each, so that those of you in the market for a pipe will know exactly what to look for on your next trip to your local head shop.

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The ABCs of CBD

Nationwide advocates of CBD rave about its benefits for a broad range of maladies, physical and psychological. For many afflicted with arthritis, epilepsy, anxiety or countless other ailments, CBD has been life-changing, and the benefits felt by users are heralded without any doubt. The success stories, coupled with a lack of side effects or propensity for addiction, have fueled countless users to adopt CBD in their own treatment regiment – and spread the craze to others still. Better yet, unlike THC-heavy products, pure CBD can be found at vape shops and head shops like 710Pipes. While CBD has been life-changing for many, and countless credible sources have conducted research in support of their claims, federal administrators have been slow to meet the public’s demand for research into cannabidiol’s efficacy. PubMed has published research affirming CBD’s role in alleviating the symptoms of more than fifty ailments. As the opioid epidemic rages across the nation, having a non-addictive, non-intoxicating alternative with a significant capacity for relief has been a godsend to users everywhere.

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CBD: Full Spectrum Vs Isolate

Cannabidiol, or CBD as it’s more commonly known, is just one of many naturally occurring compounds exclusive to both cannabis and hemp plants. The compound itself has shown beneficial to a staggering number of common maladies, and being a “unregulated” chemical, can be sold over the counter. Not surprisingly, a still-growing industry has amassed around the natural compound – inviting interest from industrialists, politicians, researchers and sick people alike.

But as interest in CBD has risen, so have debates in a topic getting more attention every year: what format of the product is best and just how should CBD be administered.

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Bringing Bongs on Vacation: How to Fly or Road Trip Safely

Updated on May 21st 2023

Every holiday season, many of us stoners find ourselves fumbling to book flights to visit our families in prohibition states. This can pose some alarm to the chronic cannabis user. The recreational use of weed may be legal where you live. Or, at the very least cannabis may have been decriminalized. But that doesn’t mean you will find smooth sailing if you want to take the bong you just bought at our pipe shop with you when you travel.

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How To Roll The Perfect Joint

Here at 710 Pipes, we have every imaginable smoking product and accessory. Our Northglenn and Denver smoke shops (on Colfax and near D.U.) are packed with hundreds of quality vaporizersa>, pipes, water pipes, hookahs and so much more. Still, sometimes it’s refreshing to go back to basics by rolling up a little paper. We recently reviewed the different types of rolling papers and the biggest advantages of each. But once you’ve bought your papers – then what? There are three basic categories of rolled cannabis: spliffs, joints, and blunts. Even the newest smoker on the block has usually heard these names dropped in passing, but the divisions between the three groups can get a little hazey. First, we’ll go over the basics of each category, and the pros and cons to each type. Then, follow our seasoned smoke shop expert’s step-by-step instructions to roll the perfect joint.

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Indica Versus Sativa: What’s in A Name?

The cannabis legalization movement has spread like wildfire across the globe, and as a consequence, novice smokers and aficionados alike have been introduced to a staggering cornucopia of seemingly endless varieties of the plant and the pipes and rolling papers that allow for its consumption. Names like Bubba Kush and Girl Scout Cookies adorn reefer labels and can understandably confuse anyone not well-versed in the lingo. Today we’ll check out the meaning behind these names and why specific strains never seem to stick around for too long, no matter how in vogue.

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Finding the Right Dab Temperature & Best Banger For Your Buck

Today, if you go into a head shop just about anywhere you are bound to see one of these newer and complex devices. Whether you call it an oil rig, a dab rig, or a concentrate rig makes no difference as they are all the same thing. They were created as a more efficient way of delivering potent concentrated cannabis either in wax, oil, or butter form to the user. It gives you a cleaner more intense high as many of these concentrates rank around the 75-90th percentiles in potency. They have been a godsend to medical marijuana users and an essential piece of equipment for any cannabis consumer.

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Choosing the Right Type of Vaporizer For You

Updated on April 28th 2023

Have you been thinking about getting a vaporizer for your tobacco products? Maybe you’re trying to quit smoking and want to find a better solution for your nicotine fix. Maybe you’re tired of the stigma that’s been put on cigarettes and want to find a more healthier solution. Switching to a vaporizer versus cigarettes can also be a financial decision, with so many taxes placed on cigarettes the cost can be up to $10 a day; switching to a vaporizer can cut your yearly spending by nearly a third.

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Four Items That Will Elevate Your Dabbing Experience

Looking to up your dabbing game? No need to look up “smoke shops near me”- we don’t just have the goods, but we also have the advice!

Dabbing might just have the most moving parts out of all smoking methods. There are so many ways to customize your experience. Ranging from your torch to your dab tool, everything can be upgraded!

Instead of playing a guessing game, use this handy guide to light the path to better dabs. We know what we’re talking about!

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Want to Try a Glass Pipe?

Whether you’re a first time cannabis smoker or a long time toker, the age old question stands; which method should I use to burn the herb today? There are smart rigs, traditional dab rigs, water pipes, papers, vaporizers, handheld pipes, and the selection goes on and on. With so many options available, the quest may seem a little daunting. Explore the essentials of glass handheld pipes in the following smoke shop guide.

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