OJ Flame 14mm Slide



Discover the perfect blend of functionality and art with the OJ Flame 14mm Slide, meticulously crafted to elevate your smoking experience. Renowned glass artist OJ Flame brings his signature style to every piece, making each slide not just a tool, but a work of art.
Feature Description
Size 14mm, ideal for a snug fit with your favorite water pipe.
Material Premium-quality borosilicate glass, known for its durability and heat resistance.
Design Unique creations featuring vibrant colors and patterns that make a statement.
Functionality Equipped with a 4 hole blown-in screen for an even burn and smooth smoking experience.
Handle A sturdy horn handle not only adds to its aesthetic appeal but also provides a comfortable grip.

Why OJ Flame 14mm Slide?

  • Craftsmanship: OJ Flame’s expertise in glassblowing is evident in every curve and color, ensuring that you’re not just getting a slide, but a piece of art.
  • Performance: The integrated screen and optimal size contribute to a seamless smoking session, enhancing both flavor and convenience.
  • Durability: Made with high-grade materials, this slide is built to last, resisting heat and wear over time.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Stand out with a slide that’s as visually appealing as it is functional, making it a great conversation starter.

Matching Accessories:

Complement your OJ Flame 14mm Slide with these perfect accessories from 710 Pipes: Elevate your smoking ritual with the OJ Flame 14mm Slide. Add to Cart Now and transform your sessions into an art form, or Visit your local store today to see the beauty in person. Embrace the fusion of art and utility with this exquisite piece that promises not just a smoke, but an experience.

Additional information



Joint Size



Amber Purple/Blue, Black/Gray, Blue/Green/Yellow Wag, Blue/Red, Ghost/Pink, Green/Blue, Green/White Swirl, Orange/Teal, Purple, Purple/Black Swirl, Purple/Black Wag, Yellow/Green


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